How It All Began…

How It All Began….

Posted on June 20, 2014by jonescrew6

Back in 2012, Sam received a letter in the mail inviting him to trial for a possible USA College scholarship playing soccer in the US University-College competition. “Why not?”, we all thought, “May as well give it the old College try” (excuse the pun). But we didn’t really think it would come to fruition. Well, step by step, Sam started jumping through all the proverbial hoops and to our surprise, but delight, he was passing with flying colours! Before we knew it and by the end of Year 11, Sam had a guaranteed scholarship to the United States to play soccer and study in one of the Universities or Colleges there in 2014. Wow!  It was exciting for him, daunting for us, but still a year and a bit off so we didn’t dwell too much on it. After all, there was still the jugonaut of the HSC to tackle.

By the end of Year 12, the offers started coming and Sam had to weigh up which institution he’d like to play and study in! After much prayerful consideration, he settled on Southwestern College amidst the corn and cotton fields of mid-western Kansas – a little far from the surf but a reputable 4 year College with a great soccer programme and the course Sam wanted to study (Media and Film Production). Many emails and phone calls with Coach Yeisley and the admin staff at the College followed and soon Sam was all signed up and ready to go. It was actually happening. Yikes!

It’s a cliche to say it’s gone fast but it is now only a few weeks until Sam’s initiation into the wonderful world of cheer leaders, freshmen, frat parties, sororities,  sophomores, bleachers, and everything else we’ve learnt about from Taylor Swift songs. (Let’s hope things have cleaned up since those Porky’s movies we saw in the ’80s!).

We are going for our last big family holiday for a while and touring around the States before sending Sam off (so to speak). We are spending the first 2 weeks together and then Sarah and Sam will spend a couple more weeks traveling before landing in Kansas and moving Sam in! We are looking forward to the trip but have mixed emotions about leaving Sam behind! We may need to have our trip sponsored by Kleenex!

Stay tuned for details of our adventures…..


Planes, Trains & A Lack Of Sleep