About The Trip

Back in 2020, our planned family trip to Israel and Jordan, which we had been so excited about,  was cancelled at the eleventh hour just as Covid was looming large on the world stage. It was such a bummer. 

Early this year, our friend Debbie told us she had booked herself in for virtually the same trip we’d  originally planned and urged us - since there were still spots left on the tour - to join her. It was very tempting indeed…

After much deliberating, with work schedules, holidays, budgets and other commitments thrown into the mix, it was decided this would be a girls’ trip (the boys planning their own visit in the near future). Molly, Maisy and I would be joining Deb and her tour group for our Middle Eastern adventure.  We are so excited! 


Keeping Afloat


The Longest Day Ever!