About Our Trip

As soon as Sam was born, we started to put money aside to one day take him to Disneyland. We thought we might do it when he was around 10. Well, we weren’t aware at that stage that we were going to have 4 kids and that we’d have to wait until they were all old enough to at least enjoy themselves! The “Disney Fund” has been eaten into many times over the years too, so that hasn’t helped our cause either!

We shared our holiday pipe dream with my brother Ben and his wife Julie and they suggested we could go together! It was then, with Julie’s expert organisational skills onboard, that we set a date, started frantically “googling” and our dream started to become a reality!

So, Ross, Sam, Molly, Toby, Maisy, Ben, Julie, Sophie, Emily, Will and I are embarking on our long-time-coming, great American adventure tour in September 2010. We will travel to Disneyland (at last!) and explore California with the Somervilles for 2 weeks. After that, we will sadly go our separate ways. Ben and Julie will drive out to experience the beauty of Yosemite National Park, while the Joneses will head to Chicago to spend time with our good friend Lisa and her family. After that, we head to Washington DC to check out what the capital has to offer and then we risk life and limb, driving on the wrong side of the road, up to New York! We will be away for 4 weeks all up (the longest any of us have EVER been away from home!) Should be fun!!

Ross, Molly, Sam, Maisy, Sarah and Toby


We Made It!