New York State Of Mind

There was a bit of a chill in the air here in New York today – a far cry from the record heatwave temperatures we experienced in California only a couple of weeks ago.

We ventured up to the ‘Top of the Rock’ - the viewing deck at the top of the Rockafeller Building - for some epic panoramas of New York and its surrounds, including the iconic Empire State Building. We’d originally planned to view the city atop the Empire State Building but as some friends pointed out, the Top of The Rock actually gives you the chance to see the King-Kong-famous building from up high, something you obviously can’t see if you’re in it. Staring down at the expanse of the city, also gave us a new appreciation for the sheer size of Central Park; the vast parklands taking up a huge chunk of Manhattan Island. Much to Molly’s disappointment our plans to go iceskating at the Rockafeller Centre didn’t come to fruition. By the time we got there, the ice was being cleaned and a long wait was expected. The queue was lengthy and we were all feeling the cold so we made the executive decision to give it a miss. Sorry Molly!

Having seen Central Park from above, we wanted to hire bikes and spend some time exploring it. We’d been told some of the bike rental places around Central Park can really take you for a ride (not the kind of ride we were after) so we were on the lookout for a somewhat reputable hire place. As we approached the park, we were accosted by several dodgy-looking guys, all insisting they could give us the “best prices you can find in all of New York!” Tentatively, we followed one guy across the street to his “shop front”*

*a big empty room with a few bikes in the corner.

His colleague, who looked equally as dodgy, was sitting near the door on a milk crate; a mobile Eftpos machine on his lap and a pen and paper at the ready. The price was in fact very low, due most likely to a combination of the Dodgy Brothers’ tenuous gip on the English language as well as their challenges in the mathematical skills department. After checking and re-checking the price was legitimate, hoping it wasn’t too good to be true, Ross handed over his drivers’ licence, we secured our hire bikes and off we went.

The map we were issued with was good and showed the immensity of the park and all its waterways and paths. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a topographical map, which would have been very useful , given the size and number of hills our tired legs had to negotiate. Had I been privy to this information at the outset of the bike ride, I may well have chosen to enjoy the views from the comfort of a horse-drawn carriage (of which there were plenty). My lack of fitness aside, we loved the beauty of Central Park - such an asset to have in such close proximity to the centre of the city. It’s amazing to look above the tree line and spy all the high-rises lined up beyond. It was peak hour on the track today, with joggers and fellow bike riders out in force.

The Central Park Zoo was lots of fun, though Maisy was disappointed that Melman, Gloria and Marty from Madagascar were not there. We did see some King Penguins, which none of us had ever seen in the flesh, some snow leopards, seals, lemurs and some really exotic birds. Of course it wasn’t a patch on our own Taronga Zoo but it’s a fantastic setting for a zoo and we really enjoyed our amazingly uncrowded visit.

Since Toby had contracted chicken pox before we left home, we hadn’t got around to having his haircut prior to arriving and he was badly in need of a trim. Sam had also said he wouldn’t mind a haircut so we have been on the look-out for a hairdresser for the past couple of days. After we took the bikes back (and miraculously, the Dodgy Brothers actually returned Ross’ licence) we spotted a hairdresser. Without really thinking, we barged straight in and asked if they had any appointments for the kids. Molly, not wanting to be left out of the hairstyling festivities, had also decided she’d like a trim, so all three of them lined up for a wash , cut and blow-dry. The salon was called “Roberto Bezjon”, with Roberto himself at the helm, skilfully wielding the scissors. Hearing that we were Australian, he confessed he had once dated an Australian girl. As he wracked his brain for her name, he seemed convinced we might actually know her. It’s a big country but, hey, what was her name? His eyes lit up with recollection and he proudly told us his old flame was none other than Kerrie Anne Kennerley. We happily confirmed that, what-do-you-know, we actually DID know her - not personally, but let’s not get bogged down in the details. Apparently she had lived in New York for two years before she was married. He wasn’t even aware she was famous, let alone that she was a regular household name in the land downunder. Roberto did an incredible job on Molly’s hair, blowdrying and straightening up a storm and certainly not skimping on ‘product’. He told Molly he styled Bindi and Terry Irwin’s hair whenever they were in New York. Tobes and Sam also got great service and lots of product. I’m not allowed to say that Toby is now sporting a very similar haircut to a certain teenage singer (who’s initials are incidentally JB) but he does look exceptionally trendy. Ross was nervous about the bill, but for all his famous ex-girlfriends and crocodile hunting clientele, the old Roberto was surprisingly reasonable.

Toby spent his hard-earned money on a new New York Yankees jersey today. He’s been eying them off since we got here and was itching to make his purchase. To say he is very fond of it is an understatement. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wears it to bed. Maisy also picked up a foam Statue of “Liverty” hat, which she donned with pride today, delighting the crowds as she posed for strangers’ photos, thrusting her Washington kaleidoscope in the air as a substitute for Lady Liberty’s torch.

Tonight we had an absolutely fabulous dinner at Ellen’s Stardust Diner on Broadway. Recommended by our friend Jill, it is now on our Highly Recommend List too! All the waiters and waitresses are budding Broadway stars and while they are serving you and delivering the meals to your table, they spontaneously break out into song. It’s the perfect scenario, allowing them to spend their days auditioning for shows while by night, they can sing at the Diner to pay their bills. They were all such brilliant singers too. Who knows? Maybe some of them will be famous one day and we can tell everyone we knew them way back when. It was honestly so much fun and such a great atmosphere; everyone singing along and clapping in time. The food wasn’t too bad either.


The City That Never Sleeps


Exploring The Big Apple