Shop Till You Drop

Today is HOT!! Damn hot. We thought it was hot yesterday but today it is the hottest Californian day….EVER!!! Yep, that’s what they’re all telling us. They’ve never had a day hotter on record! It’s 113 degrees F (which is about 45 degrees C we think). Anyway, it’s boiling!!

So, in such extreme conditions, what better time would there be to go shopping in air conditioned comfort? We did just that. We checked out of the hotel this morning, after a big sleep-in, and hired ourselves some big, fuel-guzzling yank tanks! The biggest novelty for the kids is that the back doors open and shut automatically! The biggest novelty for us is that we get to drive on the wrong side of the road. Blinkers are not big here. In fact, we were lucky if we saw one or two drivers using them all day. Luckily the car was equipped with a sat-nav which we’ve christened Stephanie, in honour of our fabulous waitress from Bubba Gumps’. If it hadn’t been for Stepanie, we would have been completely lost, probably still winding around somewhere on a highway going somewhere else! There are so many highways!  Stephanie remained calm and collected at all times, including when we took a wrong turn and she had to “recalibrate our route” (say “rowt”). It took us a while to work out what she was saying.

Well, we made it in the sweltering heat, to the Citadel shopping centre, which was jam-packed full of discount shops and factory outlets. It was unreal! We got so many bargains, including $5 Hurley tees, $20 Converse, $10 dresses…and more! Sam bought himself 6 tees, a pair of boardies and a couple of pairs of VANS! We all came away with some awesome bargains, including the Somervilles, who needed a crane to get all their bags into the car at the end of the day! It was definitely worth going there.

We’ve now arrived in Anaheim and are gearing up for Disneyland tomorrow! It’s so exciting!


The Wonderful World Of Disney


Hooray For Hollywood!