Groundhog Day

It was just like Groundhog Day today for us! We knew the drill. We headed downstairs for our last breakfast in San Francisco and got a cab to the airport once again. This time though, when Ross put our details in the check-in computer, it was all approved! Yay!

We had a good flight to Chicago but they had split us all up during the seat allocation process. They had each of our kids sitting in a different row, including Maisy who had been seated by herself with a total stranger on each side! Luckily the flight attendants came to the rescue and Maisy and Molly got to sit together.

Tobes sat next to a hip young guy who he happily struck up a conversation with! He was getting advice on new apps for his iPod and finding out where to go and what to do in New York! The guy gave Toby a big high-five when we got off the plane! I sat next to a really nice man from the UK and we chatted almost the whole way. I heard his life story and he had lived in Australia so we had lots to talk about. I had also downloaded lots of podcasts of the Hamish and Andy show to keep me entertained on the flight. Molly did a brilliant job of keeping Maisy in line, although when we were on our descent into Chicago, with the seat belt sign very brightly lit, Maisy had a wander up the aisle to my seat to ask for something to chew on so her ears didn’t pop! Molly must have been daydreaming at the time! Sam and Ross did lots of reading and listening to their iPods.

We caught a cab to River Forest, where Lisa & Steve live and as we drove into their neighbourhood we were transported into an American movie! Their street is lined with huge oak trees and liquid ambers and the leaves are all beautiful autumn colours. Toby said “oh, this is such a stereotypical American street!” and he is so right! It’s awesome! Each house is two storey and has a big porch out the front with a swing on it. Everyone has gone over the top with Halloween decorations and it’s just like the Christmas lights in Australia only much more macabre and spooky. There are pumpkins everywhere! The Elementary (primary) school that Lisa’s son James goes to is just a few doors up and the neighbourhood is just so gorgeous! Lisa & Steve’s house is absolutely beautiful! I’ve fallen in love with it! It has an attic and a basement and everything you’d expect from an American house in the suburbs. It’s so cool!

Lisa is so hospitable and her kids have graciously given up their rooms for our kids and are sleeping on an airbed. She also cooked us a delicious homecooked meal which we were craving!  Phoebe is 3 and is getting on famously with Maisy and James is 8 and he and Toby have really hit it off too. Toby wants to ask the Principal of James’ school if he can spend a day there tomorrow! Toby said “I’m behind on my learning so I really think I should go. Besides, you don’t even need a uniform!” James agreed it was a good idea and thought it would be fun to take Toby for Show and Tell!


Hello Chicago!


Glitch in the Plan (a.k.a. the bonus Frisco Day)