Save Me San Francisco

We had a great dinner last night at the Gas Lamp Quarter in San Diego! We went to an Irish Pub that served real food and it was such a contrast to all the food we’ve been subjected to so far! All four of the adults ordered the same thing – the beef & ale p

ie which came with, not one, not two, but THREE different vegies!! We had the first snow peas we’d seen on US soil! What a treat. It’s amazing how much we take our fresh food for granted in Australia. Americans just don’t seem to value “fresh” like Australians. We are almost brainwashed into thinking preservatives, additives, extra salt, extra sugar and excess fat are evil, while in America, they’re just commonplace and no-one bats an eyelid!

This morning we were up early and getting packed to leave San Diego. We’re not sure whether we’ll be allowed back to the Embarrassing Suits. There’s only so much you can clean up with disinfectant wipes!

The airport security was vigilant to say the least! Firstly, we had two bags that were over the regulation weight so, rather than just averaging out the weight between the 6 of us (we only had 4 bags) we had to buy another bag and reduce the weight in the others! Ross was working up quite a sweat rearranging all the contents of the bags and carting them to and from the weigh-in station so they came in at the right number of pounds. The lady on duty wasn’t overly helpful, or sympathetic for that matter, when she said with her poker face “still 9 pounds over”, “still 5 pounds over”, “still 3 pounds over”….you get the picture! It was a finely tuned operation! Then we all had to take our shoes off and empty everything out of our bags for the x-ray machine. It’s good to know they are so thorough I guess.

The flight to San Francisco was great and we arrived with some good luck. It is Fleet Week here so we were treated to an awesome show of fighter jets (F-18 Hornets to be exact) down on the banks of the San Francisco Harbour. It was absolutely amazing to see them flying in formation and ZOOMING overhead, doing acrobatics and leaving their wakes across the sky! The kids loved it too. It was SO loud!! The show went on for about half an hour! Apparently there are lots of festivities on this week to celebrate so that should be great!

San Francisco has a really different feel to the other places we’ve visited in California. There’s a really cool vibe around and everyone seems very friendly and relaxed. We had a little walk around Fisherman’s Wharf and some dinner at a very cute Italian restaurant. So far we are really loving it here.


Alcatraz Island


Splashed By Shamu!