Farewell Africa

Well sadly our trip to Africa has come to an end. We have just arrived in Dubai airport after the first leg of the marathon back to the land girt by sea. Only a handful of us are coming straight home. We have farewelled half the team, including Sam and Toby, as they continue their adventures in far flung exotic locations all over the globe. 

Last night, the team got together to reflect on the last couple of weeks and we had to come up with our highlight from the trip. There have honestly been SO many, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. As we went around the circle, one by one, I collected a new highlight with every highlight shared! 

Our team has gelled like family and it has been fantastic to share these experiences with them all.  It was sad to have to say goodbye to Fred and Stephen, who have been our trusty guides. We will definitely miss them. 

What I won’t miss about Uganda:

*having to brush my teeth with bottled water

*the toilets!

*the bone-rattling bumpy roads

*having to douse myself in mozzie spray every day

 Things I will miss about Uganda

*being greeted with “you’re welcome”

*the wide smiles and warm handshakes from the beautiful locals

*those gorgeous babies

*potatoes for breakfast, lunch & dinner

*the smorgasbord of sights & sounds

Thanks to everyone who has been reading along and thanks to those who have been praying for us. 

Uganda has left a special place in our hearts and we hope one day we’ll return to the Pearl of Africa. 


You’re Welcome!