Seeing Spots

The plans for today were for Ross and Ben to take the big kids to 6 Flags Magic Mountain to ride all the big rollercoasters but, like I’ve been reminded over and over, our plans don’t always come to fruition.

Ross was still feeling too sick to go and with an upset tummy he wisely concluded that riding a whole lot of upside-down-loop-the-loop type rides would not be advisable. We also discovered that 6 Flags was about a 2 hour drive away from where we are staying and a bit of an expensive cab ride. We considered all the options and decided that Ben would still take Sam, Molly and Tobes and they would go to Knott’s Berry Farm instead.

While the adrenalin junkies were at Knott’s Berry Farm, Julie and I took Maisy, Will, Emily and Soph and went to the movies to see Alpha & Omega”. We also did a spot of shopping at the Block @Orange.

All was going well for the thrillseekers and their adrenalin was well and truly pumping until the dreaded Silver Bullet. Now they tell me this ride loops upside down six and a half times and understandably, when she got off, Molly was feeling a bit queasy. Ben said he felt his brain rattling around in his head! Molly came off the ride and then collapsed onto the ground. The others described it as a sort of “slow motion passing out”. She had something to eat and drink (not the sandwiches I’d packed because the security guard at the front gate had made them throw them in the bin!) but was still feeling a bit off colour. It was a very hot day so Ben thought it could have been a case of sunstroke or dehydration. He decided to take her to the sick bay where the nurse gave her something more to drink and checked her over. They had had a fun day but decided after a couple more rides they should bring Molly back to the hotel for a rest. She slept for a couple of hours and then woke up with a fever and I thought: “oh, no! she’s getting what Ross had!”. Then Molly casually said “Mum, I think I have chicken pox”.

“Oh no”, I said, “you’ve already been immunised. What makes you think you might have chicken pox?”

“Well, it’s just that I’ve broken out in spots”. Oh really? Oh no. Oh yes! OH NO!!! It was true! She had come out in a few spots, luckily not as many as Toby but she definitely had those tell-tale spots. She was also burning up and feeling decidedly under the weather. Please pray that since she’s been immunised it will be a mild case. Poor Molly.


Freeway Madness


Farewell Mickey!