Farewell Mickey!

It was our last day at Disneyland today so it was with sadness that we bid Mickey and his friends farewell.

It was a bit of a day for filling in all the blanks today. We tried to see all the things we hadn’t yet seen, like the Tower of Terror and Monsters Inc,  and revisit some of our favourite rides again. Ross was feeling much better than he was yesterday but still not well enough to brave Disneyland today, which was such a bummer. He spent most of the morning in bed asleep but his vomiting had stopped which was a bonus!

Next on our agenda, initiated by Molly, we went over to “Build A Bear”, where the kids did just that…built a bear. Will and Sam decided they’d rather build a car so they went next door to the Ride Maker store to custom build their own model cars.  They got straight down to business and their cars were built in a flash. Meanwhile, back in the bear shop, the process wasn’t as smooth. Once the arduous task of choosing the actual bear was accomplished, they then had to be clothed and accessorised and there were WAY too many outfits to choose from! About an hour later we emerged with “Sam” the dog, “Coco” the teddybear, “Toby-wan-kenobi”, the Jedi bear, “Isobel” the cat and  “Lulu” the all-American teddybear. Phew!

Tonight we walked over to Disney California again for the Pixar Play Parade, which should have been called the Pixar “Spray” Parade, because all the characters sprayed us with water on their way past (not that we minded because it is still so hot!) All our favourite characters from the Pixar movies come out – Woody & Buzz, Mr Potato Head, Mr & Mrs Incredible, Nemo and Crush, on their big floats and it was so well done! Will and Maisy especially loved it.

We are all convinced there must be a very strong filtering process that goes on when Disney is employing staff. Without exception the staff at Disneyland are always cheerful and over-the-top helpful. Today I had another experience where a staff member went out of his way to help me. I was looking for a pay phone to call Ross at the hotel and see how he was feeling and when I asked one of the staff where the phones were, he offered me his own mobile so I could call on that! How nice was that? Customer service on steroids!

Ross was feeling slightly better so we took some advice from the Everinghams and decided to have dinner tonight at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. It was fantastic! (thanks Jayne and Dave!) The roof is completely covered with vines and leaves, with animals hanging from every branch and flapping butterflies in all the trees. There was even a huge tropical fish tank laden with fish and you could swear you were in an actual rainforest. The food was yummy and the best part was, there were real vegetables on the menu! Quite a rarity in these parts! There was a great band playing Santana covers out the front and we walked around the shops to soak up the atmosphere a bit more. We bought some last minute souvenirs and took one last look around the place. We’ve had so much fun here! Everyone is pretty exhausted now and I reckon we could sleep for a week.


Seeing Spots


The Happiest Place On Earth