Disneyland Again!

It’s hard to believe we could still have so much to see at Disneyland after spending the whole day there yesterday but we have just arrived back at our hotel after 12 hours of non-stop fun and rides! (TWELVE HOURS!!) Suffice to say we are all fairly knackered!

We spent the morning on some of the tamer rides for Will and Maisy to enjoy but as the day wore on, the rides got more and more daring. Ross, Ben, Sam, Molly & Toby went to California Disney and took on the “California Screamin'” rollercoaster! They also coaxed Sophie onboard and she loved it! They are now so hooked on it they wanted to go back again and again! We watched Playhouse Disney live on stage, which included us being showered with bubbles, leaves and streamers and Maisy finally got herself a princess Mickey Mouse ear spectacular, which she hasn’t taken off since! Ben and I got absolutely drenched on Splash Mountain (which was fine because the weather was so hot) because, as we have worked out with hindsight, there were kids in all 3 seats behind us so we kept nose-diving after every dip! Ben commented that there were so many “large” people at Disneyland yet not one to be found when we needed them! Everyone loved Space Mountain too and the FASTPASS made it even better! We had a bit of an explore on Tom Sawyer’s Island but Maisy kept saying she wanted to go back to “the fun side”. We were all really impressed with the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride as well. It gave you such a feeling you were outside at night and the people inside were so realistic looking. It was quite amazing.

The staff at Disneyland are unbelievably helpful and cheery. Today Maisy needed the bathroom so I asked a young bloke in the Pizza restaurant where it was. He gave me some directions, which I thought I’d heard correctly but actually stuffed up and started heading in the wrong direction. We were breaking into a bit of a sprint too, because Maisy was busting. It turns out, the guy followed us and was concerned that we weren’t going to find it and pointed us in the right direction! He was about 10 minutes out of his restaurant and was still holding his bucket and mop! What a legend! Talk about above and beyond the call of duty!

We had a walk through Downtown Disney tonight to try to find a place for dinner and there was live music and fairy lights in all the trees. It’s such a great atmosphere. We decided to go to a Mexican place and the food was great (despite the gargantuan servings!) There was a balloon artist there and he made the most awesome balloons for the kids! Will got a sword and a decidedly phallic gun (such a boy!) and Maisy got a butterfly (such a girl!). The others all had crazy looking hats! The guy was hilarious and made the night heaps of fun!

And now for a cultural note; the self-flushing toilets have nearly given all of us a heart attack at different points in the trip so far. As soon as you stand up, there’s a mighty whoosh and a sound reminiscent of a jumbo jet taking off, while the whole contents of the bowl is sucked out to the abyss very dramatically. If you’re not ready for it, it’s a bit of a shock!


The Happiest Place On Earth


The Wonderful World Of Disney