Sick Of Being Sick

I just saw an ad on tv, praising the merits of “Fruit Loops” for their nutritional value! Toby is amazed at how many insurance ads they show on the kids’ channels! In fact, we have watched a lot of American tv today. We still have a very sick girl on our hands. Molly really can’t leave the hotel room so we have had to divide and conquer today. Toby is feeling much better so he was able to come out with us.

Ben and Julie decided to go to SeaWorld today. Sophie is feeling completely fine now and they wanted to take the opportunity to go while they were all well. They said it was awesome and had a fabulous time. They got splashed by Shamu the killer whale and Em got to pat a dolphin!

We, on the other hand, did the day in two shifts. This morning, Sam, Maisy, Toby and I jumped on the San Diego trolley car and explored the “Old Town”, which is an historic village, capturing the feel of the early San Diego and highlighting its Native American, Spanish and Mexican roots. There were a couple of museums to look in and lots of traditional Mexican arts and crafts and authentic food and clothing. It was just like being in Mexico! The last stop of the trolley line we went on was actually Tijuana! It was only a few stops away! We walked around for a while, had some lunch and then headed back to the Embarrassing Suits.

Ross then took over and took Sam, Maisy and Toby to the Gas Lamp District, which is full of restaurants, cafes, shops and the home of the San Diego Padres baseball team. They sampled some local chocolate and icecream and had a good look around.

Molly has started to feel slightly less itchy but is still feeling pretty rotten. She’s had some oatmeal baths today and had a good sleep. We had room service tonight (still a bit of a novelty) and we’ve had a breakthrough with coffee. No-one here knows what a long black or a flat white is so we’ve ended up with all sorts of weird and wonderful – no not wonderful-brews. If you order a cappuccino, it’s over half full of foam. Today we discovered that a flat white is called a “meetso” (no idea how to spell it) and a long black is an “Americano”. Jackpot!

The hotel staff here are great and they’ve felt sorry for us having to spend so much time in the room and have given us a free movie to watch tonight. We’re watching Angelina do her thing in “Salt”. Also, every weeknight, between 5:30 and 7:30, they open the bar and have free drinks for all the guests. Double happy hour! They give you chips, pretzels, popcorn and other scrumptious nibblies too, all on the house!


Splashed By Shamu!


Another One Bites The Dust