Another One Bites The Dust

Well, things haven’t improved too much since our last post! The Jones’ are dropping like the proverbial flies and today, Toby had the dreaded vomiting bug! It now seems blatantly apparent that Ross was not struck down with food poisoning at all but instead, picked up some sort of highly contagious gastro bug. It’s working its way through us at a rapid rate!

We have mixed feelings leaving Anaheim. We’ll take with us some absolutely fantastic memories from Disneyland but this hotel room has seen us through some pretty low times too, first Ross throwing up, then Maisy and now Tobes and also Molly feeling very crook (and itchy), covered in spots! Things can only get better…right?

It was raining when we left, in our over-sized SUV’s and we drove in convoy with Ben and Julie down to San Diego. It was a shame it was raining because we’d planned to spend some time stopping off at a few of the beaches along the way. As it turns out, we had two sick kids so that was probably not going to happen anyway. Laguna Beach was a really pretty area to drive through.  We also managed to avoid freeways this time and didn’t evade any tolls on this trip either (I think Ross forgot to mention that yesterday in his recap of the day. We had no coins left and had to just drive straight through the toll booths! I was sure giant spikes would pop out of the road and puncture our tyres!).

Poor Toby was literally green and was throwing up all the way down (we’d stocked up on barf bags this time) and by the time we’d reached San Diego, Molly was not feeling great either. On the plus side, we are saving money on food, with Sam, Ross and I the only ones eating at the moment! (only kidding about that being a plus!) We walked –slowly- down to the water’s edge and grabbed some lunch. We had at least 2 hours before our room was ready because in our planning we’d thought we could spend the time exploring San Diego. As it was, we had Molly and Toby sprawled out on the lobby couches, looking like death warmed up and they weren’t about to walk anywhere else. Sophie started to have an upset tummy as well. Uh oh! It was a lot cooler here too and all of our warm clothes were tucked away in our luggage which was on its way too our room.

It was heaven when we finally got to the room and the hotel is really nice! It’s very swanky indeed. It’s called the “Embassy Suites” but Emily thought it was called “Embarrassing Suits”! That’s what we’re calling it from now on! It has a really nice indoor heated pool and a great Jacuzzi!

Anyway, we made up some beds on the floor for Sam and Maisy because we thought we’d better let the two “festy” ones each have a bed to themselves. Molly then became overcome with itchiness and between trips to the chemist (we’re single-handedly keeping the pharmaceutical industry of America alive!) and icepacks and lotions….she didn’t get much sleep. So much for it being a mild case because she’s been immunised! She is completely covered with them and even has them on the inside of her eyelids, in her mouth and in her ears. It’s such a bad case! As I write, she is in a world of itchy agony! Please pray it’ll stop soon!


Sick Of Being Sick


Freeway Madness